Thanks once again to Movie Games Lunarium for believing in my skills and for a great experience with scoring this game. I hope that you will enjoy listening to this. Jordan is set to host its biggest royal wedding in years as the country’s young Crown Prince Hussein exchanges vows with a daughter of one of Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest and most influential families. And if you played the game, I'm rather sure you'll recognize where they were used. What's more, I labeled the tracks in a way that is not giving away the content. But everyone is learning, right? So when creating new tunes for LfB, I wanted them to be much more limited to certain places, characters and situations, sometimes in their basic form, sometimes changed, hard to recognize. When preparing a base for melodies for the sequel, I discovered that in LfD I had used some of the themes a bit too freely and thus my task was harder. See for yourself that there are no limits to dark ecstasy. Explore a world inspired by the works of Lovecraft, Giger, and Beksiski.

Listening to the music you can recognize some of the old tunes from LfD. A cult worshipping an otherworldly erotic deity. Maybe after some time I will release a full, uncut soundtrack. Beyond Light introduced the first Darkness subclass to the game: Stasis. I considered many tracks as important, but decided to keep it in a standard album length than throw everything I had. Lust from Beyond is a psychological horror with occult and erotic themes from Movie Games Lunarium, the creators of Lust for Darkness. Moreover, it was very hard to choose the pieces for the album. I decided to remix them, bringing out some parts and turning down others so they work better on their own. The evolutionary basis for this stems from our need to reproduce, a need shared among all living things. First of all, some time after the release of the game I noticed that many pieces needed change as they wouldn't work independently. Lust is driven by the desire for sexual gratification. Don't warn me again for Lust from Beyond. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. The album you see here is a selection of tracks from over 2 hours of soundtrack I composed for the game. Need a save file :: Lust from Beyond General Discussions.

He soon learns, that he didn't find himself there by accident. The game tells a story of Victor Holloway, an antiquarian tormented by nightmares, who is forced into a conflict between two mysterious organizations. 'Lust from Beyond' is a sequel to 'Lust for Darkness' and both were developed by Movie Games Lunarium and published by Movie Games.