Tank-To-Wheel (TTW) emissions are a subset of WTW and refers to emissions associated with the fuel energy use from assets tank to combustion.Well-To-Tank (WTT) emissions are a subset of WTW and refers to emissions associated with the extraction, production, transport, distribution of the fuel into the tank of the asset.

Well-To-Wheel (WTW) refers to life cycle emissions associated with the extraction, production, transport, distribution, and use of fuel in an asset (i.e., aircraft, truck, train) YOU CAN REST EASY KNOWING YOU'RE DOING MORE TO HELP THE ENVIRONMENT. What does the reference to well-to-wheel emissions mean? OUR CARBON NEUTRAL SHIPPING OPTION ALLOWS YOU TO OFFSET THE CARBON EMISSIONS FROM THE PACKAGES YOU SHIP. Non-transport emissions are associated with energy use and mobile equipment (e.g., cargo tugs, forklifts, etc.) at facilities and are allocated to packages based on package weight. Why is carbon neutral shipping important to Material Bank Prioritizing and addressing the environmental impacts caused by massive sample shipments within. FedEx data systems identify each stop a package makes and the mode of transport by which the package moves between each stop. Transport emissions include aircraft, truck, rail, and ocean and are calculated for each transport segment between the origin and destination. This fee covers the purchasing of the carbon credit, the. It calculates well-to-wheel CO 2e (includes carbon (CO 2), methane (CH 4), and nitrous oxide (N 2O)) emissions for each individual package, which includes both transport and non-transport emissions. Shiptheory will bill you (the retailer) for any carbon credits at a flat rate of 25p per delivery. The GLEC Framework was designed to calculate greenhouse gas emissions across a variety of transportation modes. The FSI methodology conforms to the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework.